Friday, March 4, 2011

The Friend, Faith & Friendship

I love the Friend! Whenever I am struggling to plan a particular Activity, I can always turn to the Friend for Great ideas. The Activity Day Answer, featured in this month’s friend brought me to tears. Not only did it remind me of my own struggles when I was young, it struck me as a profound lesson to share with our girls.

First, It is so important to teach the girls that our prayers are not just answered by sitting there… we need to act! I’m reminded of this joke the little boy told in the Pursuit of Happyness. How true it is that we don’t always acknowledge the answers the Heavenly Father sends us! 

The second lesson here is that we all need to learn to be a good friend. So many times we are afraid of new things… including new people. But it is our job as members of the church to love one another and bear each other’s burdens. This means being a good friend and reaching out to those that we don’t know. This is always a great reminder for young girls!

For my activities, I always plan a short devotional to begin to set a spiritual tone for the activity. This is a wonderful one to use.

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